Residential Property

Custom Upgrades

Clean energy upgrades with custom specifications may be eligible for financing.

This pathway is designed for residential upgrades that are not otherwise listed as an eligible upgrade and require custom design and sizing to fit the needs of the property. Custom upgrades will be eligible for financing if they meet the eligibility requirements listed below and, additionally, are approved by Alberta Municipalities and your municipality.

Availability: The custom upgrades pathway is available in the following municipalities:

  • Town of Canmore
  • City of Cold Lake
  • Town of Devon
  • City of Edmonton
  • City of Grande Prairie
  • City of Leduc
  • City of Lethbridge
  • City of Medicine Hat
  • Town of Okotoks
  • Town of Rocky Mountain House
  • Town & MD of Pincher Creek
  • City of St. Albert
  • Town of Stettler
  • Village of Stirling
  • Strathcona County
  • Sturgeon County
  • Town of Westlock


  • If the upgrade in question is already listed as an eligible residential upgrade at the time of application, then you cannot apply for a custom upgrade.
  • Anyone interested in pursuing the custom upgrades pathway, should contact Alberta Municipalities prior to contracting an engineering consultant and submitting a Project Application Form.

Effective Useful Life: To be confirmed by the engineer consultant you contracted to certify the upgrade requirements and performance.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A professional engineer, with experience related to the design and installation of the type of upgrade(s) (e.g., mechanical, electrical), must confirm that the upgrade will increase energy efficiency or the use of renewable energy on the property where the upgrade will be installed. 
  • The upgrade must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • The upgrade must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.
  • Any other requirements as defined by Alberta Municipalities at the time of application.
  • A letter stamped by a professional engineer confirming the following:
    • The existing equipment to be replaced by the proposed upgrade.
    • That upgrading the existing equipment with the proposed upgrade will result in energy savings and/or the increased use of renewable energy on the property and that the engineer has completed calculations to verify this.
    • The effective useful life of the upgrade (in years).
    • The estimated annual and lifetime energy and greenhouse gas emissions savings to be achieved by the upgrade.
  • A contractor quote itemizing the:
    • Make and model of the upgrade equipment/material to be installed.
    • Size of the equipment/material to be installed.
    • Location of the upgrade installation.
    • Cost of equipment/material and installation.
  • Equipment/material specification sheet(s) confirming product details.
  • A contractor invoice itemizing the:
    • Make and model of the upgrade equipment/material installed
    • Size of the equipment/material installed
    • Location of the upgrade installation
    • Cost of equipment/material and installation
  • A photo of equipment/material installed on the property.
  • A photo of the equipment nameplate label (including model and serial number), with all information legible

Once installed, the upgrade must appear in the post-project EnerGuide home evaluation, even if an estimate of energy savings is not possible or is inconclusive.

How To Apply

  1. Check if your municipality is participating
  2. Review your municipality’s terms and conditions.
  3. If eligible, submit a pre-qualification form.

Ready to apply?