Gather your documents

Before you submit the Pre-Qualification Form, you must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

To help make sure you have everything in order before you submit your Pre-Qualification Form, we’ve pulled out a list of outside items you need to have prepared to submit.

What documents do I need to include with the Pre-qualification form?

  1. You must have insurance for the property being upgraded. The insurance policy must include, at minimum:
    • Standard commercial broad form property insurance; and
    • $2 million in commercial liability insurance.
  2. You need to submit proof of the above insurance for the property that is being upgraded, which must include the following:
    • Policy provider
    • Policy number
    • Property address
    • Commercial liability coverage, and
    • Duration of the policy
  3. You need to have scheduled an ASHRAE Level 2 audit for the property you’re upgrading. Once you’ve scheduled the audit, you need to submit a quote from a CEIP-Qualifed engineering consultant. The quote needs to include the following information:
    • the Property location
    • the list of audit requirements required under the Program, and
    • the date the audit is scheduled to occur.
  4. You don’t need to submit proof of a scheduled ASHRAE Level 2 audit only if:
    • you’ve already done an ASHRAE Level 2 audit on the property in the 18 months before the date of submitting your pre-qualifiaction form AND
    • it meets the requirements of the Program (Appendix A of the Terms and Conditions) BUT
    • You still have to include a copy of the ASHRAE Level 2 audit report with the Pre-Qualification Form.
  5. You need to include contact information for all the Property Owners, and all the Property Owners need to review and agree to the CEIP Terms and Conditions

First Steps

  1. Check if your municipality is participating.
  2. Review your municipality’s terms and conditions.
  3. If eligible, submit a pre-qualification form.

Get started now!