Residential Property

Doors, Windows & Insulation

Replace your windows and add insulation to keep heat where it belongs—inside your home

From better insulation to energy-efficient windows, a wide range of energy efficiency upgrades are now more accessible thanks to the flexible financing of CEIP.

The following are eligible upgrades:

Upgrade ID: R-WB-001

Attic insulation reduces heat loss through the attic area of the building envelope. This reduces the load on the heating and/or cooling system.

This upgrade can also improve airtightness.

Effective Useful Life: 20 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Final insulation, including existing and added insulation, must be equal to or greater than R-28.
  • Must cover a minimum of 20 per cent of the total attic area.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.
  • City of Edmonton additional eligibility requirements: A minimum of R-50 for the final insulation for attic spaces or R-28 for flat or cathedral ceilings.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type to be installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the existing and new insulation
    • R-value of the existing and new insulation
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Material specification sheet(s) confirming product details.

Supporting documents required for Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the new insulation
    • R-value added
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Installation date
    • Costs of material and installation
  • Photos of installed insulation, with R-value marking and thickness measurement clearly visible, before being sealed behind sheeting.

Upgrade ID: R-WB-002

Wall insulation (installed inside an exterior wall cavity or as part of an added structure on the outside of the building) reduces heat loss through the above-grade wall areas of the building envelope. This reduces the load on the heating and/or cooling system.

This upgrade can also improve air tightness.

Effective Useful Life: 20 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Final insulation, including existing and added insulation, must be equal to or greater than R-21.
  • Must cover a minimum of 20 per cent of the total exterior above grade wall area.
  • Must be added to above-grade walls separating conditioned and unconditioned space.
  • Both cavity and exterior wall insulation are eligible.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type to be installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the existing and new insulation
    • R-value of the existing and new insulation
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Material specification sheet(s) confirming product details.

Supporting documents required for Upgrade Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the new insulation
    • R-value added
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Installation date
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Photos of installed insulation, with R-value marking and thickness measurement, before being sealed behind sheeting.

Upgrade ID: R-WB-003

Insulation added to the walls and/or ground of the basement or the floor of a crawlspace significantly reduces heat loss through the areas of the building envelope in contact with earth.

This upgrade can also improve airtightness.

Effective Useful Life: 20 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • A minimum of R-12 of insulation must be added to basement or crawlspace walls and/or floor.
  • Must cover a minimum of 20 per cent of the total foundation wall and/or floor area.
  • Must not be added to the ceiling of a crawlspace.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type to be installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the existing and new insulation
    • R-value of the existing and new insulation
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Material specification sheet(s) confirming product details.

Supporting documents required for Upgrade Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the new insulation
    • R-value added
    • Per cent of the total area covered by the new insulation
    • Installation date
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Photos of installed insulation, with R-value marking clearly visible and thickness measurement, before being sealed behind sheeting.

Upgrade ID: R-WB-004

Insulation added to the cavities around rim joists reduces heat loss through these areas of the building envelope. This reduces the load on the heating and/or cooling system.

This upgrade can also improve airtightness.

Effective Useful Life: 20 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Final insulation, including existing and added insulation, must be equal to or greater than R-12.
  • Must be added to cavities around rim joists.
  • All joints must be air sealed with caulk or spray foam.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type to be installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the existing and new insulation
    • R-value of the existing and new insulation
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Material specification sheet(s) confirming product details

Supporting documents required for Upgrade Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Insulation brand and type installed
    • Method of installation
    • Location
    • Amount (square metres or feet) of the new insulation
    • R-value added
    • Installation date
    • Costs of material and installation.
  • Photos of installed insulation, with R-value marking clearly visible and thickness measurement, before being sealed behind sheeting.

Upgrade ID: R-WB-005

Windows with low-e glazing reduce heat loss and gain through the window. This reduces the load on the heating and/or cooling system and improves energy efficiency in both summer and winter.

This upgrade can also improve airtightness.

Effective Useful Life: 15 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be ENERGY STAR certified to the most recently published version.
  • Must replace an existing less-efficient window.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.
  • City of Leduc and City of Edmonton additional eligibility requirements: 
    • Window must be triple or more pane.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Window type to be installed
    • Quantity
    • Size
    • U-factor
    • Make and model number(s)
    • Costs of equipment and installation.
  • Specification sheet(s) confirming equipment details and ENERGY STAR certification.

Supporting documents required for Upgrade Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Window type installed
    • Quantity
    • Size
    • U-factor
    • Make and model number(s)
    • Installation date
    • Costs of equipment and installation.
  • Photo(s) of the window(s) installed on the property with the original ENERGY STAR label still attached and clearly visible/legible in the photo(s).

Upgrade ID: R-WB-008

Energy-efficient door replacements reduce heat transfer through the door. This reduces the load on the heating and/or cooling system.

This upgrade can also improve airtightness.

Effective Useful Life: 15 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be ENERGY STAR certified to the most recently published version.
  • Must replace an existing less efficient door.
  • Must have a manufacturer’s warranty for a period consistent with the industry standard and not less than one year.
  • Must have a warranty provided by the Qualified Contractor for defects in materials and labour for a period of not less than one year.

Supporting documents required for Project Application Form

  • A contractor quote itemizing:
    • Door type to be installed
    • Quantity
    • Size
    • U-factor
    • Make and model number(s)
    • Costs of equipment and installation.
  • Specification sheet(s) confirming equipment details and ENERGY STAR certification.

Supporting documents required for Upgrade Completion Form

  • A contractor invoice itemizing:
    • Door type installed
    • Quantity
    • Size
    • U-factor
    • Make and model number(s)
    • Installation date
    • Costs of equipment and installation.
  • Photo(s) of the door(s) installed on the property with the original ENERGY STAR label still attached and clearly visible/legible in the photo(s).

How To Apply

  1. Check if your municipality is participating
  2. Review your municipality’s terms and conditions.
  3. If eligible, submit a pre-qualification form.

Ready to apply?